Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Humans of Elkins Part 2

"My mom recently passed away and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish she could see where I am today."

"This is my mood for exams. Haha"

"I'm just hanging in there. Get it? Hanging."

"Life is too short to live the same day twice."

"Embrace the glorious mess you are."

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Humans of Elkins

"I don't want to physically birth children. I feel like adopting or fostering kids and giving them a safe place even if only for a short amount of time is a great thing."

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Exploring the Environment with Shapes

This is my oval picture. It was a trash can collecting water that was leaking due to the rain fall of the week.

This is my square picture. It is a window in the door that leads to the stairs. I cropped to where the corner of the boarder is the only thing showing because it tells the viewer the shape in a creative way.

I used a lock for my circle picture because they are on every door and there is a lot of detail that was captured in this picture with the wear and tear of the lock.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked better for my triangle picture so I am just uploading both. The stained class itself is mostly triangles, however I thought it was cool that the yellow stained glass all together formed a triangle.

I used this photo for my rectangle photo because if you look closely there are four rectangles in the picture and they are all within each other. The sidewalk in a rectangle, the concrete thing itself is a rectangle, the opening of it is a rectangle, and then inside that there is a metal plate in the shape as well.

This photo could be used for the oval picture because of the curvature of the petals. It could also be used for a circle photo with the circular nature of the flower head. I just thought it was beautiful.

Voice Thread

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Juxtaposition photo

This is my juxtaposition photo. I chose this because the cup and straw someone decided to litter with is right next to a tiny flower.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Story in a Sentence

photo 1- The depths of a dark river cannot hinder the importance if military improvement.

photo 2- Mitt Romney drinks his sorrow away as John McCain once again complains about their presidential elections.

photo 3- Diversity can always point in opposite directions, even while working towards the same goals.

photo 4- "I got you honey."        Even in the darkest of situations, love will pull through.

photo 5- "Hands off Joe."           Biden feeling flirty.

photo 6- Not everything is glitz and glamor in the big city.