Jenna is a great photographer to me. She is so advanced in her skill it amazes me. I like how she also does a lot of black and white photos.
Zade's photos are really good I think for being almost basic pictures. The swimming pictures he takes are amazing and have so much detail.
Chris has a really great picture with a pebble. The edits he used are similar to the ones I like to use. The pebble photo is breathtaking. His nature photos are brilliant.
Asa has a great social change photo. I like the idea of the post. His Atlanta photos are very good looking. They look very nicely done even though you can tell they are taken from a car haha.
Matt's description of his viral photo is very great. I absolutely love his first lightroom photo. It is breathtakingly beautiful. I like that he went to Kmart for his yes and no project. Its very creative to me.
Even though Trey's subtract assignment was last minute, I like the idea he used. His shutter speed picture is amazing. I also like his stained class pictures.
Courtney's subtraction photos were beautiful. Th texture change in front of Hallie is my favorite of her pictures. Also, the salt and pepper shakers in the cafeteria are cool. I like her creativeness and ability to capture things that not everyone would think if capturing at first.