Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Humans of Elkins Part 2

"My mom recently passed away and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish she could see where I am today."

"This is my mood for exams. Haha"

"I'm just hanging in there. Get it? Hanging."

"Life is too short to live the same day twice."

"Embrace the glorious mess you are."

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Humans of Elkins

"I don't want to physically birth children. I feel like adopting or fostering kids and giving them a safe place even if only for a short amount of time is a great thing."

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Exploring the Environment with Shapes

This is my oval picture. It was a trash can collecting water that was leaking due to the rain fall of the week.

This is my square picture. It is a window in the door that leads to the stairs. I cropped to where the corner of the boarder is the only thing showing because it tells the viewer the shape in a creative way.

I used a lock for my circle picture because they are on every door and there is a lot of detail that was captured in this picture with the wear and tear of the lock.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked better for my triangle picture so I am just uploading both. The stained class itself is mostly triangles, however I thought it was cool that the yellow stained glass all together formed a triangle.

I used this photo for my rectangle photo because if you look closely there are four rectangles in the picture and they are all within each other. The sidewalk in a rectangle, the concrete thing itself is a rectangle, the opening of it is a rectangle, and then inside that there is a metal plate in the shape as well.

This photo could be used for the oval picture because of the curvature of the petals. It could also be used for a circle photo with the circular nature of the flower head. I just thought it was beautiful.

Voice Thread

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Juxtaposition photo

This is my juxtaposition photo. I chose this because the cup and straw someone decided to litter with is right next to a tiny flower.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Story in a Sentence

photo 1- The depths of a dark river cannot hinder the importance if military improvement.

photo 2- Mitt Romney drinks his sorrow away as John McCain once again complains about their presidential elections.

photo 3- Diversity can always point in opposite directions, even while working towards the same goals.

photo 4- "I got you honey."        Even in the darkest of situations, love will pull through.

photo 5- "Hands off Joe."           Biden feeling flirty.

photo 6- Not everything is glitz and glamor in the big city.

Photo Journalism

Question: Are the paparazzi professional journalist? Why or why not?

I do think they are journalists, however I do not think they are professional. Most of what the paparazzi comes up with is false or rumored, and the purpose is to get a rise out of people or keep them interested in their gossip triangles. I believe they have great photography skill, just not professionalism.

False light is when a persons privacy is breached by a photo or work, which is published without the knowledge of whether it is true or false. An example would be if someone were to take a picture of a celebrity looking like they were smoking, they would distort the photo by showing cigarette butts on the ground next to them.

Graphic photo journalism is using images that are distracting from texts to get a reader's attention to tell the story. An example would be someone using a picture of a battered rape victim to talk about rape, or give news about rape.

Journalistic standards are basically just standards that have to be kept in mind when doing it. Examples include privacy, respect for human rights, and accepting responsibility for your stories.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

5 compositions/ fibanocci spiral

For this picture I used the framing composition. The bottom of the pillars creates a frame around the picture.
This picture uses the point of view composition. Instead of a straight on point of view, I used an areal point of view.

This one could either be considered symmetry and patterns because each bottle has the same pattern, and are all in line, but the one in front changes the symmetry of the bottles.

This is a crop photo. At first it was just a bowl of these white things, however, I cropped it to zoom on the top few that could be focused on.

This photo uses rule of thirds. The cart covering a pipe is in the bottom left corner of the photo grid.

This is the photo  that I originally chose for my fibanocci spiral. However, I couldn't download the program to put the spiral on the photo itself. The spiral would start at the tree, go down to the bench, then to the white pole, and back around.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

High Key/ Low Key

This photo is my high key photo. There is a lot of light in the face over all, but even with the light the beauty in the eyes shines through.

This is my low key photo. This is a sunset at the fire tower in Elkins. This photo has been edited for clarity, but there are a lot of low tones in the picture that make it beautiful.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Class Critique

Jenna is a great photographer to me. She is so advanced in her skill it amazes me. I like how she also does a lot of black and white photos.

Zade's photos are really good I think for being almost basic pictures. The swimming pictures he takes are amazing and have so much detail.

Chris has a really great picture with a pebble. The edits he used are similar to the ones I like to use. The pebble photo is breathtaking. His nature photos are brilliant.

Asa has a great social change photo. I like the idea of the post. His Atlanta photos are very good looking. They look very nicely done even though you can tell they are taken from a car haha.

Matt's description of his viral photo is very great. I absolutely love his first lightroom photo. It is breathtakingly beautiful. I like that he went to Kmart for his yes and no project. Its very creative to me.

Even though Trey's subtract assignment was last minute, I like the idea he used. His shutter speed picture is amazing. I also like his stained class pictures.

Courtney's subtraction photos were beautiful. Th texture change in front of Hallie is my favorite of her pictures. Also, the salt and pepper shakers in the cafeteria are cool. I like her creativeness and ability to capture things that not everyone would think if capturing at first.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Subtract, Subtract, Subtract

As I sat in the lobby of Gribble, waiting for the nurses office to clear so I could get some medicine, I noticed a couple girls playing pool. At first I took the first two shots without her noticing. However, when it came to the closer ones I of course had to explain what I was doing. I wanted to focus on the roughness of the pool ball and stick compared to her elegant, well done nails.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lightroom Mobile App

For this photo I picked something that I love. I absolutely am in love with pianos and music. I used rule of thirds to put the brand name Baldwin in the corner, giving the keys a sort of stretched out look. I used the Sepia Tone filter, increased the contrast, highlight, and shadows. I also added a very slight hint of the vignette amount.

In this photo I also used rule of thirds and tried to use a creative nature background as well. I didn't apply a filter to this picture however the edits I made look like a filter. I increased the exposure, saturation, and dehaze in the photo. I heightened the contrast all the way as well as the clarity. I decreased highlights as well.

I used this picture to sort of demonstrate a clean background and emphasize shadows. I added the Cross Process 2 filter t the photo as well as heightened the highlight, whites, blacks, and clarity. In this photo I decreased the exposure.

Photographer Promoting Change


The photo I chose that sparked a social movement is this picture of the Women's March in Washington D.C. just this year. These people were marching to demonstrate their want for women's rights and civil rights. However, there were many issues attached to the march. Even if I don't agree with how the protestors acted, I do think this is an important issue and will continue to grow of importance with this image.

Monday, February 13, 2017

This photo was taken at a friend of my sisters house. They provide foster homes to children whenever it is needed. They recently took in a baby who is now around 4 months old. I asked them if I could take a picture of and with her and they said yes but her face could not be shown as part of the foster agreement,.

These four pictures were taken Friday after picking my sister up from the bus. I asked these kids and their parents if I could take their pictures. The parents all said no thank you but the kids were all for it, even if some of them do not look enthused.

The rejections I had were expected. I asked two moms, one dad, and two grandparents if I could take their pictures for an art project. They all politely declined. Some had the reasoning of being camera shy, and others had used the "I'm not dressed for a picture!" excuse. I like that they were all very polite in declining my request, and allowed their children to participate in their place.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

These two pictures demonstrate different focal points. In the first picture the focus is clearly on the mermaids face, which blurs the picture behind it. However, in the second picture, the focus is on the picture behind the mermaid, making her face sort of blur.

For these two pictures I made my shutter speed 1/4 of a second. In the top picture, my lip glosses are sliding across my desk and the photo captured them with a little active blur. The second picture is a DIY stress relief bottle my little sister made. I shook it to get the glitter moving then took the picture. You can see the streaks where the glitter moves and which ones were focused on.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

SnapSeed/ Rule of Thirds

The picture I took for this assignment is based upon the new generation, their opinions, and what it has turned our people into. The girl in the brown hair is covering her eyes because in this generation, people aren't allowed to look different. The girl with the blond hair is covering her mouth because no one respects the right to opinion these days. I feel with the disruption that the recent election has caused this picture is a relevant way of showing how torn our sense of people is.

Using the SnapSeed app I adjusted the saturation, brightness, shadow, color, and highlight scales. This brightened the girls' skin tones, contrasted the highlights in their hair, and brightened the colors they wore in the picture. I also added a blur to the picture and put the focal point on the faces of the girls which blurred the outside of the picture. I also adjusted the vertical and horizontal view points of the picture to help center the girls.

I used the rule of thirds to center the picture. Each girl is in line with the third vertical lines on the grid which leaves the perfect center to the picture . It helps with the vintage effect of the building behind them because it accents the lock on the doors.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Photoshop Editing

Using the Adobe Photoshop, I took a regular picture of Norway and edited it to make it a new image. In the program I edited the hue and saturation, the brightness of the color, used the spot healing tool, used the patch tool, and added a blur effect. However, I didn't like the blur effect so I removed it. I also edited the sharpness.
Above are the before and after pictures.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Photographer I Admire

My mother is no ordinary mom. She doubles as my best friend, partner in crime, and my photographer. Now, she may not be as famous as the people I am sure the class chose, but I believe she is one of the best out there. She is why I had an interest in digital photography. I admire my mom and her photography because she goes from ordinary mom to professional photographer in just seconds. Once she switches into that mode, anything is possible. She takes such great pictures for a woman with no studio, props, or profit and I find it amazing. She stages her models, snaps the pictures and even edits them herself. She does all of this while battling the task of being a mom to three children and some uprising health issues. I couldn't admire a photographer more than I admire my mother. Attached to this blog are a few pictures she has taken over the years.

Monday, January 30, 2017

My Personality As A Shoe

This is the shoe I chose to represent my personality. The plain exterior of the shoe represents that at first glance I may look like a plain 18 year old girl. However, like the small details of the shoe, my personality is anything but plain. The double tongue shows the illusion of my average appearance in contrast with my outgoing personality. My personality may also be symbolized by the burst of color in the stripe around the bottom of the shoe. It shows how my personality changes me from a regular girl to a unique soul. The shoe is obviously worn, and I like to attribute that to my personality as well. It shows that I have been through things, fought my battles, and made it through all at the same time. This shoe may look like an average shoe you may find on a shelf, but to someone its the ideal fashion accessory they have been looking for. That is how it relates to myself and my personality.